The Image / diamond engraved float glass /
400 × 200 × 0,8 cm / 2006

drawing with diamond, glass

Image-Visualisation / plexiglass, glass, photo emulsion /
32 x 26 x 6,5 cm / 2002

Shadow of Chance / plexiglass, glass, photo emulsion /
32 x 26 x 3,5 cm / 2002

drawing with diamond, glass

drawing with diamond, glass, ivory black

5,3,2,1,0 wood, glass, anti-reflex glass, diamond engraving floatglass, graphite powder /each : 100 x 100 x 5,5cm /2014

5,3,2,1,0 (detail) diamond engraving floatglass

5,3,2,1,0 (detail) diamond engraving floatglass, graphite powder

Meine Kunstkammer 4 pieces of polaroid photo, observatory illustrations, woode lath, plastic rulers, tracing paper with graphite traces, head shape, photo emulsion on porcelain (work in progress)
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